Friday, March 8, 2013

Serious stuff

More serious stuff:

I am on a very strict diet lost 7 pounds since Sat

You are all doing frickin great!!!

I love my job in Construction Management, but we do work a lot and the thanks are minimal.
This is from a young man who worked for me in the past,  the best I've  had BTW(ever)
He is newly married and they are expecting their  first son in a couple of months.

This might put a smile on your face in the meantime...I have been "talking" to my wife's belly, preparing my future son for the real world. My #1 piece of advice..."son, if you want to have a life outside of work, and not work weekends and extended hours, don't go into construction...become a banker..."}

I miss Paul btw, he moved to Virginia and is doing well, but we do stay in touch and I cherish that!

God bless the little guy he will have as great life!

10 -12 inches of snow this morning,  so do I go snowshoeing or x crty skiing this we ?



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