Saturday, October 1, 2011

5 day Cleanse

Speaking of vanishing as some of you may know I was on a bad track of poor diet and nutrition.
I had gained 5 pounds last weekend yikes ! and this on top of a few after vacay!
I Worked to hard to just let myself regress right?

So I went on a five day fast on Shakeology with the salad & chicken as one solid meal per day at dinner.
Drum roll start weight 216 .
end weight 208!!

Going to keep rolling here as i need to get below 200, the goal for 2011. Also plan to run a 5 miler in under 50 minutes , on Turkey day as my coming out for road racing ( running) wish me luck!!

Let me know if you want to try Shakeology!!
100 doctors can't be wrong!

Buy "Shakeology" NOW !


oh I almost forgot I finished Round 4 of P90X today, hope to be ready for Insnaity Round 2 on October 10!


Fantastic results, Mike!! With this kind of dedication to your health, you will definitely reach your goal of under 200 by the end of the year. You're doing great!!

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